[Book Review] Production, perception, and comprehension of subphonemic detail Word-final /s/ in English (by Dominic Schmitz)

This is a book review article of the book Production, perception, and comprehension of subphonemic detail Word-final /s/ in English by Dr. Dominic Schmitz (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany). The book is his PhD dissertation.
In the book, he investigates how the speaker perceives and produces the English suffix -s (e.g., cooks) with experiments and corpus studies, using real words and pseudowords. He addresses this topic from the perspective of discriminative learning using Linear Discriminative Learning, as well as the perspective of morphology. This wide coverage of this book, methodologically and theoretically both, helps to shed light on contradictory findings regarding phonetic realizations of suffixes, and therefore the book is highly recommended for anybody who is interested in phonetics, morphology, semantics, and especially speech perception and production of morphological units. The book is available below: